We are pleased to be offering the following session of The Journey Program at the Cowell Family Cancer Center in Traverse City.
Believe Postural Retraining
This 25-minute class is recommended for everyone. Through a series of beginner level exercises and stretches, participants can strengthen their core and upper back leading to better posture, increased mobility in their shoulders, and decreased back pain.
Believe Balance Training
This 25-minute class is recommended for everyone. Progressive balance exercises are designed to increase in difficulty. While working fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers, this class prepares the individual for the occasional misstep and addresses basic deficiencies in the body’s ability to sense position, motion, and equilibrium.
Believe Lower Body Strength Training
This 25-minute class is for beginners. Many daily activities, such as navigating stairs, lying to sitting, sitting to standing, and lifting above the head can be made easier with proper form. In this class, you will learn how to move your body through these motions properly and perform exercises that make your body stronger for the tasks of daily living.
Believe Upper Body Strength Training
This 25-minute class is recommended for beginners, those who are easily fatigued, and those who wish to focus only on the upper body. Using only body weight and light resistance bands, this class works major muscle groups to help you increase your endurance and strength.
Believe Core Strengthening (coming soon)
This 25-minute class is for beginners. Progressive core exercises are all done on a mat. They include stretching, planking, and strengthening of the core. All exercises can be modified for difficulty level.
For class schedule or to register for a class please visit munsonhealthcare.org/exercise.