These exercises require initial instruction from a certified instructor. Always consult your doctor before beginning new exercise programs.

No equipment necessary. These exercises and stretches require a doorway and a blank wall.


1. Doorway Chest Stretches {3×30 sec each}Doorway Strech

-Place one foot in front of the other (lunge stance).

– Keep eyes straight ahead and chest tall.

-Raise arms so that elbows are shoulder height.

-Rest hand on the doorway and lean in slightly.

-Move hands up the doorway as tolerated holding each position. Feel free to rest arms in between each stretch.

-Control the stretch with your legs.


2. Wall Overhead Reach {3×10}Wall Strech

-Stand with back and head against a wall tucking the shoulder blades down. Elbows and hands against the wall.

-Move arms up and down slowly.

-Elbow should move from below shoulder height to just above or even with shoulder height.

-At the top arms will look similar to “hands up” action.




3. Standing Ts {3×10}Standing Tall Strech

-Stand with back and head against wall tucking the shoulder blades down. Chest and head tall.

-Reach arms straight out in front with palms facing up.

-Move both arms out at the same time.

-Hold the T position with thumbs touching the wall.

-Press into the wall slightly for 3 seconds then return arms to the front.